Friday, November 9, 2012

Lync 2010 Client Incorrect DisplayName

A few weeks ago we started having an issue where a users display name in the lync 2010 client would display a username other than the what we expected to see.  We started to notice this issue after a women would change her last name.  So, a a Women who was married and her name was changed other user would still see her old name. It turns out that we needed to make the following change:   EnableContactMergeUsingProxyAddress -Value $False. 

The forum post below is where I got the information to make the modifications  After a service restart the usernames displayed correctly. 

Cod Snipit from Forum Post.
$PolicyObject = Get-CsClientPolicy
$PolicyEntry = New-CsClientPolicyEntry -Name EnableContactMergeUsingProxyAddress -Value $False
Set-CsClientPolicy -Instance $PolicyObject

Thanks to TechNet Forums.

Lync 2010 Client Incorrect DisplayName.

Grand a user permission to send to Everyone

Grant a user permission to send to the everyone group. 

1. Open properties of everyone Group in EMC.
2. Open MailFlow Settings.
3. Open MessageDeliveryRestrictions
4. Add user

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Script Resources for IT Professionals

PowerShell Script Repository containing cool scripts to help automate AD/Exchange taks.

Script Resources for IT Professionals

Friday, April 13, 2012

Configure Time Source on PDC Emulator

We recently had an issue with our time source and it caused us a bit a of a head ache.  It turns out that our time source was a router that lost its time and therefore affected the our DCs.  I issued the following command on on the DC holding the PDC Emulator Role and it immediately  solved our issue.  . 

w32tm /config / /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:yes /update

the m anualpeerlist is where multiple sources are specified but I only included the source and it worked.

Configure The Time Source for the Forest

Upgrading from a vdr 1.x appliance

Upgrading from a vdr 1.x appliance:

    unmount any CIFS shares while the vdr appliance is idle
    shutdown and delete or rename vdr 1.x appliance
    deploy vdr 2.0 appliance
    configure vdr 2.0 appliance and re-add CIFS shares
    manually perform an integrity check

there’s no method to directly upgrade a vdr 1.x appliance to a vdr 2.0 appliance. it simply must be replaced.

VMWare Data Recovery Release Notes

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Active Directory FSMOs

Flexibility Schema Operations Master (FSMOs)

Forest Roles:
1. Schema Master- Creation or Changes to AD objects are handled by a Single Domain controller holding the Schema Master role and then replicated to other DCs. 

2. Domain Naming Master- Role responsible for ensuring unique Domain Controller name. 

Domain Roles:

3. Infrastructure Master- Role responsible for checking for changes made to AD objects by comparing against the global catalog.  Changes are then replicated to other DCs. 

Unless there is only one domain controller in the domain, the infrastructure master role should not be assigned to the domain controller that is hosting the global catalog. If the infrastructure master and global catalog are on the same domain controller, the infrastructure master will not function. The infrastructure master will never find data that is out of date, so it will never replicate any changes to the other domain controllers in the domain.

In the case where all of the domain controllers in a domain are also hosting the global catalog, all of the domain controllers will have the current data and it does not matter which domain controller holds the infrastructure master role.

4. RID Master- Responsible for ensuring Unique SID assignment. 

5. PDC emulator master- processes password changes from client computers and replicates these updates to all domain controllers throughout the domain. At any time, there can be only one domain controller acting as the PDC emulator master in each domain in the forest.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Use Telnet to Test SMTP Communication
Technet library Article (bb123686)

Topic Last Modified: 2009-12-08

This topic explains how to use Telnet to test Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) communication between messaging servers. By default, SMTP listens on port 25. If you use Telnet on port 25, you can enter the SMTP commands that are used to connect to an SMTP server and send a message exactly as if your Telnet session was an SMTP messaging server. You can see the success or failure of each step in the connection and message submission process.
Here are the scenarios where you may want to use Telnet to test SMTP communication to or from the transport servers that exist in your Microsoft Exchange Server organization:
•    Connect to your organization's Edge Transport server from a host that is located outside your perimeter network and send a test message.
•    Connect to a remote messaging server from your organization's Edge Transport server and send a test message.
The procedure in this topic shows you how to use Telnet Client, which is a component that is included with Microsoft Windows. Third-party Telnet clients may require a syntax that is different from that of the Windows Telnet component.
 Use Telnet on Port 25 to test SMTP communication
For purposes of providing an example, the following procedure uses the values that are described in the following list:
•    Destination SMTP server
•    Source domain
•    Sender's e-mail address
•    Recipient's e-mail address
•    Message subject   Test from Contoso
•    Message body   This is a test message
You should always use a valid sender e-mail address so that any non-delivery report (NDR) messages that are generated by the destination SMTP server are delivered to the sender of the message. 

The commands in Telnet Client are not case-sensitive. The SMTP command verbs are capitalized for clarity.

1.    At a command prompt, type telnet, and then press ENTER. This command opens the Telnet session.

2.    Type set localecho and then press ENTER. This optional command lets you view the characters as you type them. This setting may be required for some SMTP servers.
3.    Type set logfile <filename>. This optional command enables logging of the Telnet session to the specified log file. If you only specify a file name, the location of the log file is the current working directory. If you specify a path and a file name, the path must be local to the computer. Both the path and the file name that you specify must be entered in the Microsoft DOS 8.3 format. The path that you specify must already exist. If you specify a log file that doesn't exist, it will be created for you.
4.    Type open 25 and then press ENTER.

You can't use the backspace key after you have connected to the destination SMTP server within the Telnet session. If you make a mistake as you type an SMTP command, you must press ENTER and then type the command again. Unrecognized SMTP commands or syntax errors result in an error message that resembles the following:

5.    500 5.3.3 Unrecognized command
6.    Type EHLO and then press ENTER.
7.    Type MAIL and then press ENTER.
8.    Type RCPT NOTIFY=success,failure and then press ENTER. The optional NOTIFY command defines the particular delivery status notification (DSN) messages that the destination SMTP server must provide to the sender. DSN messages are defined in RFC 1891. In this case, you're requesting a DSN message for successful or failed message delivery.
9.    Type DATA and then press ENTER. You will receive a response that resembles the following:
10.    354 Start mail input; end with <CLRF>.<CLRF>
11.    Type Subject: Test from Contoso and then press ENTER.
12.    Press ENTER. RFC 2822 requires a blank line between the Subject: header field and the message body.
13.    Type This is a test message and then press ENTER.
14.    Press ENTER, type a period ( . ) and then press ENTER. You will receive a response that resembles the following:
15.    250 2.6.0 <GUID> Queued mail for delivery
16.    To disconnect from the destination SMTP server, type QUIT and then press ENTER. You will receive a response that resembles the following:
17.    221 2.0.0 Service closing transmission channel
18.    To close the Telnet session, type quit and then press ENTER.


Friday, March 2, 2012

SMTP Error and Reply codes

I was recently asked about SMTP Errors / Reply Codes and I realized that I have not committed them to memory , so I decided to look them up and found this really nice table.  

Check the RFC index for further mail-related RFCs.
Reply codes in numerical order
(nonstandard success response, see rfc876)
System status, or system help reply
Help message
<domain> Service ready
<domain> Service closing transmission channel
Requested mail action okay, completed
User not local; will forward to <forward-path>
Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>
<domain> Service not available, closing transmission channel
Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable
Requested action aborted: local error in processing
Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage
Syntax error, command unrecognised
Syntax error in parameters or arguments
Command not implemented
Bad sequence of commands
Command parameter not implemented
<domain> does not accept mail (see rfc1846)
Access denied (???a Sendmailism)
Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
User not local; please try <forward-path>
Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed
Transaction failed

Thanks to

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

PowerShell Script to list daily health checks of all Exchange 2007 Servers.

foreach ($Server in $ExchServer)
echo $ (Test-ServiceHealth $Server)

SMTP Port 25