Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Netbackup Policy Reporter

Every few months management asks for a list of backed up clients and over all details of the backup policies.  For a very long time I would reference a spreadsheet that would be manually updated.  Well, that was tedious and not so accurate work, so I started to look for a solution that would export the neatly formatted results of bppllist -allpolicies –U command.  My method was to export the results to a txt file and then use powershell to manipulate the text and format it. 

After a few searches, I found this post on the Symantec Connect site about the “Netbackup Policy Reporter”.  It is a VB utility written to format the results of the bppllist command.  This utility formats the result in a neatly organized spreadsheet that can be used as a report. 

I used the following steps listed on the post to generate the Netbackup Policy Report. 
1.    Download the Policy List Parser.txt file and rename it to Policy_list_parser.exe . This is a VB utility so the exe extension is necessary.  The machine where the Utility is executed will need to have excel installed.

2.    .  Executing the utility may give an error related to “COMDLG32.ocx”. I used a Windows 7 32bit workstation, so I downloaded the COMDLG32.ocx  and placed in System32  and registered the file with Windows by running the following at an elevated  command prompt. regsvr32  %Systemroot%\System32\comdlg32.ocx.

3.    After successful launch of the utility execute the “bppllist -allpolicies –U” command by navigating to AdminCmd directory.  On Windows: C:\program files \veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd. 

4.    Send the command results to an out-file: C:\program files \veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd\ bppllist -allpolicies –U>>C:\temp\rpt.txt. 

5.    To process the results of the command, enter the path to the text file in the input file field and enter the name of the new .xls file in the otput filed.

6.    Example Input: C:\temp\RPT.TXT
Ouput: C:\temp\Report.xls
Note: Error 1004" The file could not be accessed may occur if input and output fields are not filled out correctly. 

Make sure that all files are in the same directory to avoid any annoying errors. 

Symantec Connect Netbackup Reporter Post

Download comdlg32.zip