Monday, April 11, 2011

Netbackup Eject Tapes from library (VMchange)

One of the most time consuming and most disliked tasks of netbackup administration is the removal of Tape from the tape library for offsite storage. In the past we have used the Admin Console’s GUI to query the catalog for a specific time frame which would output job results for a specific date.  We then used the job results to eject associated Tapes from the library using the GUI. 

I’ve tried to automate this process by using vmchange.exe via a script but I have not been able to work it out.  The documentation says that a CSV can be generated to jnput the MediaIDs to the command, but this is where my trouble begins.  The command executes correctly, but the MediaIDs do not get fed into the command.  The CSV file has to be a Colon (: ) separated.  I’ve worked around this by typing in the MediaIDs in the command prompt in a colon separated list which is faster than looking for MediaID using the GUI. 

I will try PowerShell in an attempt to automate this process, but for moment this the command I use. 

1.    From a command prompt cd to the default install location
2.    C:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\vmchange.exe -res -multi_eject -sc -rn 0 -rt TLD -rh netbackup -vh netbackup -v scan -ml 000924:000925:000926 ext.

-v=Volume (where mediaID resides)
-ml=MediaList (Colon separated TapeIDs)


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